Softbangla Automation Ltd.

Software Development

Providing Solutions that Help Simplify a Complex World

Modern life is often complicated by an increasing number of moving pieces, and personal finance is no different. Particularly as you reach the peak earning years of your career and begin transition planning for retirement, a number of important decisions need to be made and elements aligned to maximize the likelihood of your financial success.

" We are committed to providing service for the long term and work to anticipate and support your unexpected life changes, including the selling of a business or a sudden windfall. " - Dhorola Group


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We Have Talented Engineers

We develop enterprise applications and provide services for big data & cloud technologies.

  • Project Manager
  • Architect
  • Developer
  • Q/A
  • UI/UX Designer
  • ML AI Experts
  • Consultants
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Technology We Use

Programming Languages used for software development may vary according to multiple factors. Some might pick the most secure one, some easiest or some pick the robust. To Develop Suitable and Adequate Internal Control Solutions we use one or more of the technologies for our customers.